Sonntag, Dezember 22, 2024
NewsThe Walking Dead – Erster Trailer online

The Walking Dead – Erster Trailer online

Nun ist es soweit der erste Trailer zum kommenden Zombie Spiel The Walking Dead, welches auf der gleichnamigen US Fernsehserie basiert.

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The Walking Dead kein übliches Zombie-Gemetzel Spiel wie die anderen sein, sondern laut Telltale CEO Dan Connors auch Stealth Elemente enthalten.

“We’ll rarely give you a level where you blast through and have a horde of zombies attacking. It’s more like the franchise itself where people don’t usually go on zombie killing sprees, but you do have to take out zombies in different contexts,”

“In one of the scenes, there is a character stuck in a motel room. They’ve boarded themselves in and there are six or seven zombies on the scene. You need to stealthily go around and take out each zombie before the other zombies recognize there. That would be a situation where we would use a stealth and attack mechanic.”

The Walking Dead soll Anfang April erhältlich sein.

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