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NewsStar Wars Battlefront - Trophäen wurden von EA veröffentlicht

Star Wars Battlefront – Trophäen wurden von EA veröffentlicht

Nachdem in den Letzten Tagen viele neue Screenshots und Gameplay-Videos  von EA veröffentlicht wurden, folgen nun die 43 Trophäen die man in “Star Wars Battlefront” erspielen kann.

star-wars-battlefront-bild-20  2016

Dadurch das die Trophäen jetzt bekannt sind, können wir einen kleinen Überblick erhalten, über die Features und Modis die uns in “Star Wars Battlefront” erwarten. Leider steht das Trophäen-Set bislang nur in englischer Sprache zur Verfügung.

  1. A New Hope – Play every Multiplayer game mode
  2. In a galaxy far, far away – Win one match in each Multiplayer game mode
  3. Never tell me the odds! – Successfully perform Cooling Flush 10 times (Multiplayer)
  4. I suggest a new strategy – Use a partner’s Star Card hand 10 times (Multiplayer)
  5. Shoot first – Be the first in a match to earn a kill (Multiplayer)
  6. Great shot, kid! – Kill an enemy who is using a Jump Pack (Multiplayer)
  7. A cunning warrior – Reach level 3 once with any Trait (Multiplayer)
  8. Don’t underestimate the Force – Earn a total of 100 kills while playing as a hero (Multiplayer)
  9. Crush them with one swift stroke – Trample 25 soldiers with an AT-ST (Multiplayer)
  10. That got him! – Use a tow cable to destroy an enemy AT-AT in Walker Assault
  11. Hold the line! – Kill 10 enemies while attacking or defending a control point in Supremacy
  12. Stay on target – Kill 10 enemies in a match of Fighter Squadron
  13. What’s the cargo? – Kill 10 enemies carrying the cargo in Cargo
  14. Playing the objective – Have the most kills in a match of Blast
  15. The Force is strong with this one – Earn 10 kills in a match as any hero on Hero Hunt
  16. I’ve been waiting for you – Kill 10 enemies trying to claim your team’s pod in Drop Zone
  17. “Gonk? Gonk!” – Capture three droids in a match of Droid Run
  18. The power of the Force – Defeat a hero while playing as any hero on Heroes vs Villains
  19. When 900 years old you reach – Reach Rank 50
  20. Collector – Earn any diorama figurine in the game
  21. Tell Jabba that I’ve got his money – Earn a total of 25,000 credits (Multiplayer)
  22. Distinguished – Earn 100 Accomplishments
  23. Determined – Complete 25 Challenges
  24. Don’t get cocky – Defeat both the Millennium Falcon and the Slave I
  25. A tremor in the Force – Play once as all of the different heroes (Multiplayer)
  26. Together we can rule the galaxy – Complete any mission with a friend
  27. Your journey has only started – Complete all missions
  28. Master – Earn all mission stars on Master difficulty
  29. On the ball – Complete any Survival mission on Master difficulty within 35 minutes
  30. Precision shot – Get 10 headshots with the Cycler Rifle (Multiplayer)
  31. Scrap collector – Earn any collectible Star
  32. All right, I’ll give it a try – Earn a star on all training missions
  33. Safety ain’t the point of a joyride – Take no damage in the Endor Chase mission
  34. Best star pilot in the galaxy – Destroy 10 TIE fighters within 2 minutes on the Beggar’s Canyon mission
  35. New Recruit – Complete any mission
  36. Impressive. Most impressive – Earn a total of 5 stars from Battle missions
  37. Off to a good start -Win any Battle mission on Normal difficulty against the AI
  38. Survivor – Earn a total of 5 stars from Survival missions
  39. Ackbar’s Elite – Complete any Survival mission on Master difficulty without dying
  40. Do… or do not. There is no try – Complete the Tutorial
  41. Judge me by my size, do you? – Reach Rank 25
  42. Not bad for a little furball – Get hit in the head by a rock from an Ewok on Endor
  43. Walker defender – Destroy a Y-wing in Walker Assault

Kämpfe für die Rebellen oder das Imperium in zahlreichen Multiplayer-Modi für bis zu 40 Spieler, oder stürze dich allein, am Split-Screen geteilten Bildschirm oder online in Herausforderungen, die von den Filmen inspiriert sind. Star Wars Battlefront kombiniert epische Action mit erstaunlichen Nachbildungen einiger der bekanntesten Planeten, Waffen, Charaktere und Transportmittel des Star Wars-Universums. Dazu gibt es die Original-Soundeffekte aus den Filmen, damit Star Wars-Fans das ultimative interaktive Erlebnis bekommen, das sie immer haben wollten.

Star Wars Battlefront: Battle of Jakku Teaser Trailer

„Star Wars Battlefront“ soll veröffentlicht werden am 19. November 2015
für die PlayStation 4, die Xbox One und für den PC.

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