Freitag, März 21, 2025
NewsBlack Ops 3 - Patch 1.07 wurde veröffentlicht

Black Ops 3 – Patch 1.07 wurde veröffentlicht

Für „Call of Duty Black Ops 3“ wurde von den Verantwortlichen ein neuer Patch veröffentlicht, der das Spiel nun auf Version 1.07 anhebt.


Der neuste Patch bringt zahlreiche Neuerungen und Änderungen mit sich. Von den Verantwortlichen wurden unter anderem einige Bugs behoben, die das Glitchen auf der Map „Splash“ ermöglichten. Ebenfalls wurde das Freischalten der Dark Matter-Tarnung bei den Schwarzmarkt-Waffen behoben. Ab sofort könnt ihr im Hauptmenü die offiziellen „Call of Duty: World League“-Partien anschauen. Die weiteren Änderungen lassen sich den offiziellen Patch-Notes entnehmen.



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  • Addressed issue where earned Dark Matter camos were not appearing on Black Market weapons.
  • Resolved bug where Players were unable to unlock Gold/Diamond camos on the Marshal16 and MX Garand if they earned Weapon Class Mastery before TU5.
  • Updated visuals for Prestige Kill Counter and Clan Tag.
  • Resolved issue where the wrong image would appear when a Player received the Reaper Geist Specialist theme in a Supply Drop.
  • Addressed bug where the NX ShadowClaw’s Bayonet would display the wrong image if banned or protected in Arenas.
  • Fixed issue where the wrong image was displayed for the LRX3 in the Custom Games Protect/Ban menu.
  • Updated Official Custom Variants for CWL Competitive Game Modes.
  • Added a Live Event viewer to allow Players to watch the Call of Duty World League games from the Main Menu.

General Gameplay

  • Fixed issue where a white image was appearing in the Killfeed for Fury Song kills.
  • Corrected bug where the Fury Song icon would display in the Killfeed whenever a Player received a kill with the Combat Knife.
  • Added ricochet damage for Care Package owners in Hardcore Modes.
  • Added ricochet damage for Players planting or defusing bombs in Search & Destroy in Hardcore Mode.


  • Wraith
    • Addressed issue where the Wraith was being destroyed by one less rocket than intended.
  • Rolling Thunder
    • Fixed bug where the Rolling Thunder could be seen on the mini-map by enemies who were not using the Engineer Perk.


  • Combine
    • Addressed exploit where players could mantle onto rocks near Start spawn and get outside of playable area.
  • Fringe
    • Addressed exploit where Players were able to gain an unfair advantage by standing atop invisible collision near Red Barn.
  • Infection
    • Prevented Player from escorting Safeguard robot from inside building.
  • Redwood
    • Spawned model near S&D Bomb Site B to prevent bad line of sight.
  • Skyjacked
    • Prevented Players from escorting the Safeguard robot from 2nd floor of buildings.
    • Adjusted Hardpoint Zone so players are unable to hold it from outside the building.
  • Splash
    • Spawned in additional collision to prevent Yellow Tube exploit.
    • Carved out collision in the Red tube to allow for better Player movement.


  • ICR-1
    • Increased accuracy. Now has less recoil.
  • Iron Jim
    • Fixed consecutive attack speed to be consistent with other melee weapons.


  • Fixed issue where Players were unable to earn progress towards the Chameleon camo if the Varix 3 was attached.
  • Addressed bug where the Marshal 16’s progression would count towards the MR6’s stats if using the Dual Wield attachment.
  • Resolved issue where the “Run and Gun” Prestige challenge would not track if Players gained kills using the Dual Wield attachment and the Gung-Ho Perk.
  • Addressed bug where Players were unable to earn progress towards the Chameleon camo if the Dual Wield Perk was equipped.


  • General
    • Improved matchmaking in Arenas.
    • Fixed issues where Parties would occasionally be split when searching for a new Arena match.
    • Added neutral state to ban/protect options.
    • Players are now able to continue editing classes and streaks after pressing ‘Done.’
  • Custom Games
    • Added NX ShadowClaw to custom game competitive options.
  • Social:
    • Fixed issue where reporting a Player would not update with the correct name.



  • Addressed exploit in Daily Challenge system.
  • Fixed issue where Player could trigger the rocket shield functionality and/or GobbleGums when the scoreboard was on screen.
  • Fixed issue where a blank Daily Challenge card would appear in the after action report at the end of a local/offline Zombies game.
  • Fixed issue where Double Weapon XP meter did not accurately reflect the amount of XP earned after a match.
  • Alternate ammo types have received a balancing pass.

Der Eisendrache

  • Fixed multiple Zombie pathing exploits on Der Eisendrache.
  • Addressed a variety of exploits where Players were able to exit the playable area on Der Eisendrache.
  • Fixed issue where the Death Machine wasn’t doing appropriate damage at higher rounds.
  • Resolved bug around the Ragnarok DG-4’s slam ability.
  • Fixed bug where the Ragnarok DG-4’s FX would not turn off correctly when two were planted in sequence.
  • The Panzer Soldat has received a balancing pass.
  • Fixed issue where Players were able to duplicate upgraded Bows.
  • Addressed several bugs surrounding the main Easter Egg quest.
  • Addressed invisible collision issues during the Keeper battle.
  • Resolved bug with the plunger melee weapon.
  • Fixed issue where the jump pads would not activate.
  • Resolved issue where in-game characters could be heard speaking to one another during cinematic sequences.

Dead Ops Arcade II

  • Fixed a bug where Firepower fate weapon did not upgrade to purple version.
  • Eliminated a very small time window where Player exiting a vehicle was vulnerable to damage.
  • New pickup added post round 24; Coat of Arms.
  • Increased Siegebot Player vehicle time by 10 seconds for balancing purposes.
  • Increased the health of the Golden Egg by 3x.

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