Dienstag, März 18, 2025
NewsStar Wars Battlefront II – Release Notes - Patch 1.03

Star Wars Battlefront II – Release Notes – Patch 1.03

Erleben Sie ein neues Battlefront-Erlebnis aus der erfolgreichsten Star Wars-HD-Spielereihe aller Zeiten.

Kämpfen Sie sich in der Starkiller-Basis durch Wellen von Gegnern und zwingen Sie diese mit Ihrem Lichtschwert in die Knie. Stürmen Sie mit Ihren Kameraden und der Feuerkraft Ihrer AT-ATs im dichten Dschungel von Yavin 4 eine versteckte Rebellenbasis. Attackieren Sie im Weltraum mit einer X-Flügler-Staffel einen riesigen Sternenzerstörer der Ersten Ordnung. Oder schlüpfen Sie in die Rolle eines neuen Star Wars-Helden – der imperialen Elitesoldatin Iden – und entdecken Sie eine emotionale und packende, 30 Jahre umspannende, Singleplayer-Story.

Patch 1.03 is now available on PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

Release Notes – Patch 1.03

  • Reduced the amount of Score and Battle points gained by using the Disruptor Shot mod for the NT-242 when used against vehicles.
  • Reduced the amount of Score and Battle points gained by using the LAAT Gunship against vehicles.
  • Reduced the amount of damage the Stinger Pistol ability does against Heroes & Villains.
  • Boba Fett can no longer capture objectives while hovering high above the objective.
  • Blocked of some areas on Kamino and Naboo where players could use aerial units to gain an unfair advantage over other players.
  • Tweaked the spawning positions when playing Strike on Kamino.
  • Tweaked the combat area on Tatooine when playing Strike.
  • Tweaked the combat area on Endor when playing Blast.


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  • Tweaked the combat area on Hoth when playing Blast.
  • Tweaked the spawning positions of Starfighters when playing Galactic Assault on Tatooine.
  • Tweaked the spawn positions of the AAT when playing Galactic Assault on Kashyyyk.
  • Fixed several collision and traversal issues on Jakku.
  • Fixed several collision and traversal issues on Kashyyyk.
  • Fixed several collision and traversal issues on Endor.
  • Fixed several collision issues on the Death Star II.
  • Fixed several UI issues in the spawn screen when playing Heroes vs Villains.
  • Fixed an issue where the objective markers would not update correctly during Galactic Assault on Endor.
  • Fixed an issue where some automatic doors would not open when approached by Villains in Heroes vs Villains.
  • Fixed an issue where texture was missing near the East Gate Control when playing Strike on Yavin IV.
  • Fixed an issue where the reticule from Lando’s Sharp Shot ability would remain active longer than intended.
  • Reduced the amount of the damage the NT-242 with the Disruptor Shot mod does against the AT-ST.
  • Fixed an issue where the Scan Dart ability would not work correctly when used on doors.
  • Players will no longer be able to start a round if the pre-round requirements are not met.
  • Fixed an issue where the HUD would indicate that friendly forces are taking damage when being hit with by the Ion Charge ability on the AT-RT.
  • The Heavy Trooper’s Impact Grenade ability VFX now works as intended.
  • The DLT-20A Targeting Rifle VFX now works as intended.
  • The Pulse Cannon ability VFX now works as intended.
  • Fixed several issues with the End of Round screen where tall characters would not fit in the screen.
  • Fixed an issue where the players could not Zoom after switching weapons from an overheated TL50.
  • Fixed several clipping issues that occurred during the campaign.
  • Fixed an issue where Iden’s Star Cards will display their multiplayer stats during the Campaign.
  • Fixed several animation issues for Heroes and Villains.
  • Fixed several texture issues in Arcade mode.
  • Fixed several collision issues in Arcade mode.
  • The End of Round screen now gives feedback to players on Rank Up that they are awarded with Credits.
  • More reinforcements are awarded after each phase in Galactic Assault.
  • Time required to complete interact objectives has been reduced.



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