Montag, Dezember 30, 2024
NewsSnowRunner - Großes Update *The Rift Update* ist nun online

SnowRunner – Großes Update *The Rift Update* ist nun online

Wie bereits in der letzten Woche angekündigt, wurde zu SnowRunner vor wenigen Stunden ein größeres Update online gestellt, was viele Verbesserungen mit sich bringt.

SnowRunner – Ein Offroad-Traum (Review)

SnowRunner: Trophy Guide

Patch 5.0 Patch Notes


  • Added new Taymyr map: Rift
  • The truck engine will now automatically be turned off if the player is AFK
  • Information about trucks that are stored in the garage is now displayed on a minimap pop-up
  • Fixed problem when terrain simulation stopped working in certain situations
  • Fixed problem when truck’s wheels were falling through the models of rocks
  • Fixed problem with cargo that was falling through the trailer
  • Fixed problem when player were unable to complete tasks for fuel trailer delivery if the fuel trailer is completely empty
  • Fixed possible trucks loss if players quits the game when map is loading
  • A number of fixes for different collision situations between players trucks and trailers
  • Various fixes for in-game music
  • Various performance and memory optimizations
  • Fixed Tuz 166 ultimate suspension using wrong localization template
  • Fixed Hummer Tires using the wrong friction template.
  • Khan 39 Marshall mass tweaked to avoid mud physics glitchiness
  • Fixed “Repair The Truck” task on the Smithville Dam map
  • Multiple fixes of unrealistic collisions (wheels clipping or hovering) on various objects
  • Objectives trucks that were not removed after tasks completion will now be properly removed from the map on level load
  • Fixed “Drilling Spare Part” spawn for “Lost Container” mission in co-op
  • Implemented saves corruption fix for players that are stuck in infinite loading screen


  • Fixed a bug when the discovery of a vehicle as a guest added up to the vehicles discovered in solo
  • Added ability to change region in co-op
  • Guests can now spawn cargos on manual loading zones in a coop session
  • Fixed bug when player location icon was not properly displayed on the global map in co-op
  • Fixed problem when guests were unable to refuel in co-op


  • Moved crane anchors control to functions menu
  • “Out of Fuel” and “Broken Engine” messages are now properly displayed for trucks that player finds on a map
  • Max rank is now properly displayed
  • Supported option to choose different save slot
  • Added icon for locked gateways


  • Added sticks inversion for gamepad
  • Added alternative to metrics system
  • Added rebind for additional features (camera, map, profile, truck controls)


  • Improved LOD for different objects on a map
  • Crane art fixes
  • Various rear-view mirrors placement tweaks
  • Tweaked lampposts lightning across all maps

Wheels (PC only)

  • Added proper force feedback for driving and collision with different objects
  • Supported settings for force feedback
  • Fixed issue with reversed pedals on Logitech G920
  • Updated icons for wheels controls on HUD
  • Various in-game controls fixes
  • Fixed problem when Logitech G29 was not properly detected by the game

Modding (PC only)

  • Added subscription counter in mods UI
  • Supported proper mod preview display in truck store
  • Mod download status in now displayed in the mods menu
  • Added free camera on Summer/Winter Polygon maps
  • Added scrollbar in the mods menu
  • Art improvements for summer and winter polygons

Consoles only

  • Fixed headlights for PS4
  • Added hi-rez textures for PS4 Pro and Xbox One X
  • Added working rear-view mirrors on consoles


SnowRunner, die neueste Generation des Offroad-Abenteuers aus der Feder von Saber Interactive bringt ab 28.04.2020 auf 30 km² ungezähmter Wildnis einige der härtesten Trucker-Jobs in extremem Gelände und unter gefährlichsten Bedingungen auf PC, PlayStation®4 und Xbox One.


Angespielt SnowRunner - Ein Offroad-Traum 💪

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